Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Two hours into "Police Quest II: The Vengeance" and I'm a bit worried

Kissy, kissy!
I'm two hours into my replay of Police Quest II: The Vengeance and a lot has happened since last time. Remember: SPOILER WARNINGS!!!

Bains lured me to the airport and made me believe he was on a plane to Houston, but he only bought the tickets, he never boarded, that rascal! I did lose lots of time at the airport because I couldn't come up with the right phrasing in the text parser to ask where he went (apparently there's a list...) So back to the office we went, where my girlfriend Marie left me a message to call her. After searching for her phone number along time (I thought her surname was Wilkins but turns out in this game it's Wilkans...) she wanted to have dinner, so of course we went, got me some nice smooching, and the day ended. The next morning we got a report of a dead body found at an industrial site. The poor guy was shot in the head and stuffed in the trunk of a car. Turns out it was someone who testified in the Bains trial, as did Sonny and Marie themselves. I found an envelop with an address in the trunk, together with a death threat aimed at yours truly. So of course we drive to that address to see what's what.

I'm so glad there's no autopsy mini-game or anything like that...

Turns out Bains set up a trap at an inn, with a shotgun firing automatically when someone opened the door. I was lucky and Sonny could fling himself to the side just in time. After searching the room I find his hit list and indeed, but Marie and Sonny are on there, together with some other guys, and I even find the business card of one of them, Donald Colby. I'm starting to get a bit worried about Marie by now, so I head over to her home but the place has been ransacked, there are signs of a struggle, and Marie is nowhere to be found. There's even a fake note on the door that doesn't like anything like her handwriting.

Probably not the kind of action that manager is used to seeing at his place...
We return to the office and I call the number on that business card I found. Colby isn't too worried though, stating he's in the witness protection program in the city of Steelton. Just to make sure, I call the local cops there and they plan to tap his phone, just in case. I'm running around a bit lost, with nothing else to do than worry about Marie, so finally I say to hell with it, and I drive back to the airport to get me a flight to Steelton and talk to Colby personally.

Like I said before, this is replay, so I'm moving through the game a lot faster than a first-timer. I know what's coming next, so one more gaming session should wrap things up...

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