Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Finished "Abscission" in 3 hours!

Hope I don't need to get a tattoo myself...
I finished Abscission in 3 hours and I must say, I'm rather sorry it was so short!

Well, there were moments where it felt a bit long. There's a lot of exposition near the end, some long cut-scenes that are certainly beautiful to look at in their graphic novel style, but when you paste a huge block of text over them it does away with that effect a bit.

Is this guy on Tramadol or something?
But when it comes to the story I was certainly intrigued. It also felt like there are multiple ways to get past obstacles. You also have to make some decisions. There's one about 2/3 in, another one a little bit later, and a final decision to get one of four possible endings there. I only played through the game once, so I don't know if the first two decisions lead to a 5th and 6th ending, though I assume it's more of game-over screen then. Truth is, I never go back to do things differently in games with multiple endings, they're just not really my thing.

Sorry, dude, I'm not into bondage...
I was stuck only once, because the hotspot to enter an alleyway was a bit small and I missed it. I liked how clues were added to your inventory, and you had to combine those "items" to make deductions so you would know which location to visit next, though it was a bit unintuitive to do that because other adventure games often make those deductions automatically once you find those clues or items. I also liked how you had to look up some information on your office computer, even though you only had to do that for one instance. I would've liked it if we had to make more use of that, but then again other gamers might find that boring, lol!

Let's call it water under the bridge, a'right?
The game offers some great close-up graphics. You play as a detective, but it truly is a horror game, so be prepared to see plenty of blood and some weird things. I would've wanted to delve even deeper into it all. The story went a little fast in places. I'm definitely curious to see what the developer can come up with next.

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