Sunday, June 16, 2024

I finished my "Police Quest II: The Vengeance" replay in 2,5 hours!

I don't think he's presenting the safety instructions...


Last time, I left Sonny and Keith at the Lytton airport right before they boarded the plane to Steelton in an attempt to catch up with escaped convict Jesse Bains, the Death Angel from the first game, working his way down a hit list of people who testified against him. He already kidnapped Sonny's girlfriend Marie, and now he's got his eyes on one Donald Colby (I didn't realize at first, but that's the guy Laura and I arrested at Bert's Park back in the first game, where he was dealing drugs).

Should I cut the red wire, or the blue one?

My last playing session of this replay of Police Quest II: The Vengeance confronts me with something I encountered before in this game, namely having to wait and sit around for something to happen. I'm just sitting in my seat, looking out the window, watching the stewardess, trying to talk to Keith, with nothing useful to do. But when something finally happens, all hell breaks loose. The plane is hijacked, I have to shoot the bad guys and then disarm a bomb. I remember the plane blowing up a couple of times when I first played this game, but for this replay I already knew where to look and how to go about it.

Wouldn't mind spending some time in this park. It looks lovely.
Once the plane lands in Steelton, we're taken to the police station for an update on the Bains situation, and then to a park where he was last sighted. Keith takes off again on his own, as he's wont to do. One of these days I swear I'll catch him taking a nap somewhere while I'm doing all the hard work!

The Sewers of a Thousand Deaths
I find my way into the sewer system and what is easily the hardest part of the replay. You have to walk across small ledges and bridges, I fall in a couple of times of course, and when I pass a pipe a huge gush of water blows me down at that exact moment. I walk into a pocket of methane gas and I'm not fast enough to walk back out of it. And I'm sure if I walk around the wrong corner I'll be eaten by a crocodile or some mutant rats or something. It's a bit of a maze down there...

Kissy, kissy, again!
But everything turns out alright, after being shot by Bains a couple of times when Marie was too loud and alerted him, I didn't have enough cover, or didn't shoot fast enough. I finally free Marie and we get out of there ASAP! I thought this final part would take me longer, and indeed I died several times, but I guess I still remembered enough to make quick work of this replay. I finished the game with a final score of 263 points out of a total 300. I also remember there was a time when someone was allegedly working on a remake of this game, in the similar style of the first game's remake, posting a couple of screenshots of the new background art, but then the project died apparently.

For my next classic playthrough I was going to go with King's Quest V: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow, which I once started but quit when I died in a tavern after 30 minutes or so, so I really want to give this another guy, but then someone started encouraging me to play through the Space Quest series as well, of which I only ever played the first game because I'm not that into the sci-fi theme, but yeah, perhaps I should revisit that series as well... I don't know yet!

1 comment:

  1. Played this with my brother and dad when I was 8. I kept insisting they check the pockets of the terrorists for a knife. An hour later they finally tried it. I was hooked for life.

    Your memory of a PQ2 remake is spot on. I was so disappointed the project died.
