Thursday, December 14, 2023

I'm 3 hours into "Cruise for a Corpse"

I've learned so much about all the characters, but not that much about the murder...

Hector is buffed!
I was able to talk to Hector, the butler; Rebecca, the wife; Daphne, the daughter; and Rose, the wife of Tom. But it's always maddening how the in-game clock refuses to move forward even after I asked new characters about all possible topics!
Oh, Suzanne, thank you for leaving the door unlocked...
I found a pocket watch that changed hands through a poker game, and a newspaper article about the death of Niklos' first wife. I discovered there's an illegitimate child in the family who snatched away Niklos' inheritance. There's so much going on but I'm not getting any closer to figuring out how it all fits together.
I spy with my little eye...
It's 1:30 pm and it's been a while since the in-game time has moved on. I don't really know where to go or what to do. I've got some new questions to ask Tom and Rose but they've vanished. It's weird, it's such a small ship, there are supposed to be 10 people on board, so where are they all hiding all the time?
Yay, new characters!

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