Wednesday, August 21, 2024

"Bent Oak Island", my Adventure Game Hotspot review!

Read my full review on Adventure Game Hotspot!

Excerpt: Bent Oak Island is very rough, and not just around the edges. Limited animation and sound effects, a glitchy user interface, and loads of spelling mistakes prevent you from being completely absorbed by the story and its puzzles. And yet there is certainly some fun to be had, especially in the writing. The sibling chemistry is hilarious, and the multitude of silly NPCs are good for many laughs as well. And while the 80s-style graphics are not exactly to my personal tastes, I’m sure there are many old-school gamers who will appreciate its nostalgic charm. The story starts out all in innocent good fun, but eventually the stakes are dramatically raised, with lots more hanging in the balance, concluding with a somewhat fulfilling ending to five hours of breezy adventuring. A little more depth and some additional polish would have gone a long way, but even with its limitations, it’s made me start to miss having a sibling by my side, “enriching” my life by commenting on everything we see and do. Perhaps I’ll give my sister a call, and hope she’s not still mad about the shoe. 

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