Friday, May 17, 2024

"INDIKA", my Adventure Game Hotspot review!

Read my full review on Adventure Game Hotspot!

Excerpt: Despite an abrupt ending that kept me wanting more closure, INDIKA’s journey, with its different varieties of gameplay, gorgeous if drearily realistic environments while exploring and playful retro pixel art for the mini-game flashbacks, captivated me from beginning to the credit roll. It’s a story of right and wrong, and realizing that doing what’s expected of you through the doctrine of religion doesn’t safeguard you from evil. It raises the question of whether you should resort to turning “evil” yourself then, and whether all acts can even be categorized that way to begin with when looking at basic needs and survival. Are morals universal or merely a human construct? Is religion an absolute truth or a manipulative tool? While I was expecting quite a controversial game, I was happy to find it isn’t all that in-your-face. It certainly offers food for thought if you like to philosophize, or you can simply play the game, experience the (sometimes disturbing) five-hour story and ignore all the symbolism. I for one will be praying that the developers make more games like this!

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